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Ubisoft Blames Lack of Female PCs in Assassin’s Creed on “Reality of Production”
When creating the Paris-set Assassin's Creed: Unity , Ubisoft said that adding in female playable characters in multiplayer was just too darn difficult to animate. But as we all know, apparently everything ended up being too difficult for the folks at Ubisoft to animate.
Fan Expo Canada’s “Cuddle a Cosplayer” Controversy and Ignorance Of Convention Harassment
We took issue with Toronto convention Fan Expo Canada after they refused to redact or apologize for an e-mail they sent encouraging con attendees to violate the personal space of cosplayers. After numerous phone calls , we are sorry to report that Fan Expo did not have any visible harassment or Cosplay is not Consent signage at this year's convention. We hope for the best for next year.
But Why, Though? DC’s New Licensed T-Shirts Suggest Some Terrible Things About Women
These shirts from Walmart's junior division just might be sending the wrong message to girls. Not cool, DC. Not cool.
Man of Steel Sequel Writer David Goyer Calls Marvel’s She-Hulk “A Giant Green Porn Star,” Insults Geeks
David Goyer (who will be writing Wonder Woman in Batman v. Superman and Justice League ) said She-Hulk was created to be "a giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck." Love having my favorite female characters reduced to male sexual power fantasies!
YouTuber Makes Videos Harassing Women, Receives Awesome & Appropriate Backlash from Laci Green and the YouTube Community
The YouTube community was not okay with popular "prankster" Sam Pepper's videos in which he sexually harasses women . After he tried to pass it off as a "social experiment ," he was accused of further sexual harassment by several women and dropped by his network . YouTuber JusReign has an excellent video dismantling Pepper's entire message.
Marvel, This Is When You Send An Artist Back To The Drawing Board
Marvel's Spider-Woman #1 included an erotic art-styled variant cover by Milo Manara that was incredibly alienating to women consumers. This is not the way to get more ladies to buy your comics, Marvel. Do better! Luckily, it allowed us to photoshop a lot of hilarious things onto her butt.
Large-Scale Hack Lands Stolen Nude Photos Of Jennifer Lawrence & Other Celebrities Online
Well this one is pretty self-explanatory . Stop Committing Sex Crimes And Blatant Violations of Women's Privacy 2K15.
Oh No He Didn’t: Diamond Comics’ Previews World Editor Says Women Got Into Geek Culture For Fashion
Diamond Comics’ Previews World Editor Vince Brusio wrote a blog (trying to be positive!) about how he thinks women got into geek culture solely for the fashion. At least Diamond Comics pulled the article and apologized!
Female Game Journalists Quit Over Harassment, #GamerGate Harms Women
You knew it had to show up here somewhere. 2014 wasn't an awesome time to be an outspoken woman in gaming, because the GamerGater harassment brigade has been just around the Twitter-corner . But on the bright side, devs and publications have no longer been able to ignore the gender-related problems in games and games culture - and we got to see Anita Sarkeesian own the universe on Colbert .
Another Comic Book Artist Can’t Stand Change, Competition; Writes Whiny Post About Cosplayers
Creators blamed cosplayers for all their problems, and it needs to stop.
Skyler Page Fired From Cartoon Network Following Public Accusations Of Sexual Harassment
Cartoon Network’s Skyler Page, writer for Adventure Time and creator/writer of Clarence , was accused of harassing women in the workplace , and was let go from the studio. The shows go on awesomely without him.
Moffat Says Female Doctor Who Writers Could Happen, He Has A “Folder of Women”
Ah, Moffat. Doctor Who hasn't had a female writer in approximately eight years, to which showrunner Steven Moffat said , "I think a female voice would be fantastic. But we’re getting no luck there. I have a folder of women. They all said no!" I can't imagine why. Thankfully, Moffat has reportedly hired one lady writer for season nine.
Steven Moffat Says Women Usually Just Don’t Want to Write for Doctor Who
Did you think it was over? Apparently Moffat has a reason in his mind for the gender disparity - he says women just don't want to write for Doctor Who , and that he has to wait for the show's female fans to "grow up." Can we just get a show of hands around here, real quick, of how many ladies would want to write for the longest-running show of all time? Okay, thanks.
Sorry To Burst Your Masturbatory Comic Bubble (No, I’m Not)
Jill has a theory about why a small segment of men who read comics send rape threats to women who write about comics. To put it simply, they think we’re destroying their masturbatory fantasies (literal or otherwise). Sorry (not sorry).
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We try to see the positive in all situations around here at TMS, but occasionally, some things happen in fandom that we just have to call out. 2014 had a series of moments in which it didn’t feel super-awesome to be a female fan of things like comics, cosplay, and video games, so let’s take a look at the whole horrible list. Will someone please send me some cat GIFs ? I need them after this one.
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